
Shortly after I came out to British Columbia in early 2006 I had a case of severely high blood pressure. It wouldn't have been fair to an employer for me to work for them until I got my health situation sorted out. I was on medications to lower the blood pressure and it took until early 2007 to find the cause. I finally went to a naturopath who found that a microscopic parasite was the cause for all this.

While getting my health in order, I took up blogging to share my photography. This way I wasn't wasting time and others got to enjoy the photos, not just me and those close to me.

In May of this year I had a mini-stroke cause again by severely high blood pressure. I may end up gong to the naturopath again since the specialist and other MDs can't seem to find the cause. This has only been a problem out here. Before that in Ontario, the blood pressure was only marginally high, not severely high like in BC.

Knowledge is good because being forewarned is forearmed!

All that said, enjoy this blog and all the photos I share with you.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Spring Colour Everywhere

Sunday afternoon was so warm and sunny that I decided to go into Vancouver to enjoy the weather. A lot of other people were out with the same idea as you can see by the crowd at the main beach at English Bay. As people entered the beach area from the street they were greated by a colourful planting of tulips complete with an underplanting of forget-me-nots. The photo below gives you an idea of the colourful display. And yes, those are fan palms in the planters! The temperatures were very summer-like and worth getting out to experience.

Below is a close-up shot of the colour. I hope it helps perk up your day.

Scotch broom is also in bloom everywhere. It starts blooming about two weeks earlier than in London in southwestern Ontario. A member of the legume family it makes an excellent nitrogen fixer in your garden. The scent from the blooms carries far when the plant is in flower.

Not everyone looks up but this is the rock face on the western end of Stanley Park facing English Bay. I am standing on the seawall. The photo below shows a couple of crows flying overhead. When the weather and the wind is co-operating, you might even see eagles soaring overhead.

The fresh green growth is really shooting out on the larch trees since I was last in the park two weeks ago as can be seen in the image below.

There is a never ending show of colour it seems when viewing the display from the rhododendrons as can be seen in the last two photos.

Hopefully you have enjoyed the colourful floral display. If you live in the Vancouver area, perhaps you might consider coming out to see the colour while it lasts.

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