
Shortly after I came out to British Columbia in early 2006 I had a case of severely high blood pressure. It wouldn't have been fair to an employer for me to work for them until I got my health situation sorted out. I was on medications to lower the blood pressure and it took until early 2007 to find the cause. I finally went to a naturopath who found that a microscopic parasite was the cause for all this.

While getting my health in order, I took up blogging to share my photography. This way I wasn't wasting time and others got to enjoy the photos, not just me and those close to me.

In May of this year I had a mini-stroke cause again by severely high blood pressure. I may end up gong to the naturopath again since the specialist and other MDs can't seem to find the cause. This has only been a problem out here. Before that in Ontario, the blood pressure was only marginally high, not severely high like in BC.

Knowledge is good because being forewarned is forearmed!

All that said, enjoy this blog and all the photos I share with you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Autumn Colour on Burnaby Mountain

During the last weekend of October I was up on Burnaby Mountain to have a look at the autumn colour. The images posted here are just some of the many photos I took the Saturday that I was up there. The first four photos were taken along University Drive near the campus of Simon Fraser university (SFU) in the city of Burnaby, British Columbia. The colours are not as bright as I remember them from back east in southwestern Ontario and tend more on the subtle side with hints of brightness here and there. We begin with a jogger running by on a trail that runs parallel to the street followed by a photos of one of the street signs to be found along the road in this area. The the leaf colours are subtle but the reason why I took the first three shots was they way in which the sun was shining through the opening in the tree cover. However, it didn't look like much from the other side, so I'm glad I took this photos!

Along the trail going from the road to the western end of the mountain where the Horizon Restaurant and the cherry grove are located, I found some fungi growing out of a crack in a cut part of a tree trunk. I've included a close-up and a view from another angle. With the recent rains it was possible to see fungi in various places if you took the time to look carefully.

The above shot shows a view through the trees along the trail to Burrard Inlet below followed by a series of shots of the cherry trees behind the Horizon Restaurant. The colour on these trees seems to vary each year depending upon the variation in temperatures between day and night and other factors I guess. Variety is the spice of life as it's said, so I appreciate the differences each year.

This view shows Indian Arm at Burrard Inlet. There is an oil tanker anchored with a close-up shot below.